Happy Burns Day to you all!
Hope that you are all going to be tucking into your ‘Haggis, neeps & tatties this evening! We certainly will be. Little Padruig will be piping in the ‘Haggis’ for us – a very traditional family we are!!
For all you Roddy Macleod piping fans, will be pleased to see the new launch of Roddy’s website..
at which downloads of his interpretations of a catologue of piobreachd can be purchased – enjoy.
Last night was severe gales..gust of 70mph. Thankfully we had no damage!
Today winds of 40 to 50mph.
Please take care this weekend if you are travelling in the Highlands.
Wherever you are this evening, be sure to recite some of ‘Robert Burns’ great poetry.
Slainte mhath form us all here!