Romantic Sunsets on the Island of Skye

Romantic sunsets on the Island of Skye

sunset1If the two of you are looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city then the Island of Skye might just offer the perfect relaxing break. As the sun drops in the evening we have some of the most spectacular sunsets imaginable. A romantic stroll along the shore or just sitting watching the sun drop behind the hills is a most relaxing way to spend the end of the day.C3


Whether it be your honeymoon, a wedding anniversary or a romantic getaway there are hundreds of secluded locations across Skye but arguably one of the most popular location is Elgol with the magnificent Cuillin mountains as the backdrop.

RumEarlier, or of course later in the year when the sun drops that touch earlier in the day you have the small isles as the backdrop, such as the Isle of Rum.SSetAird-1

For those of you who forget to go home to bed or just can’t sleep there is also some spectacular sunrises to be had.Sunrise

Many of the images used are from a very close family friend Cailean Maclean.

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